350mi from Eureka to San Francisco

Climate Ride_IcebreakerThis is the first time in my short 33 years that I’ve ever raised any substantial amount of money or awareness for any particular cause (save for the one time I participated in ‘MoVember’ which, while I did raise some money and awareness for prostate cancer, doesn’t exactly count… I mean who doesn’t want to grow a mustache!?).  However, this time is different.  I’ve already raised a small fortune ($3,855 to be exact), and I’m putting my heart and soul behind this one, because I truly believe in it…So what is Climate Ride did you say?

During the 2nd week of September, myself and 100 other people (whom I don’t at all know), will be riding our bikes form Eureka, CA to San Francisco.  We will be averaging 70 miles per day, through the winding hinterland of northern California’s coastal region, following Hwy 1 much of the way.  And we will be riding to raise awareness about climate change, and to inspire and empower our fellow citizens to work towards a new energy future.  The funds we raise will go directly to leading edge sustainability, climate, clean energy, and bicycle-related projects and organizations.  Our ultimate goal is to raise the profile of renewable energy and the green economy among participants, donors, sponsors, and the general public.

We have enjoyed the support of many great donors and volunteers who have given cash, time, encouragement and in-kind contributions.  And Icebreaker is now a supporter!  After writing to Icebreaker about my endeavor, they generously contributed both cash and in-kind support ( comfy Icebreaker bike gear).  And as a commitment to the cause, I will be matching their in-kind retail contribution value to my fundraising page.  Taken together, this now makes Icebreaker one of my biggest contributors. Thanks Icebreaker!

– John Grossman – Bicycle Avenger and friend of Icebreaker